OpenFCST: The open-source Fuel Cell Simulation Toolbox
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCAppFrame::AdaptiveRefinement< dim >This class is initialized with an application that describes the linearization of the problem that we would like to solve and the nonlinear solved that drives the process (usually a Newton loop)
oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::AgglomerateBaseClass that serves as a base class for all agglomerate calculations
oCAppFrame::ApplicationDataHere we handle general data of applications
oCFuelCellShop::Kinetics::BaseKineticsVirtual class used to provide the interface for all kinetic/reaction children
oCFuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterialVirtual class used to provide the interface for all material classes
oCFuelCellShop::Mixture::BinaryDiffusionBinaryDiffusion as an abstract class
oCBlockVector< T >
oCBlockVector< T >
oCBlockVector< T >
oCBlockVector< T >
oCBlockVector< number >
oCBlockVector< double >
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::BoundaryTypeThis simple structure describes a boundary type of a derived equation class
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< number >Compute cell and face contributions of a functional, typically for error estimates
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::CellsAndFaces< double >
oCSIM::DakotaInterface< dim >Classes used to interface the fuel cell analysis code with DAKOTA (an optimization toolbox)
oCFcstUtilities::DatabaseOCThis class is for storing a list of up to 5 parameters and is used as a way of informing the FCSTdatabase class about the model you wish to store/access
oCDoFApplication< dim >
oCDoFHandler< int, int >
oCDoFHandler< int, int >
oCDoFHandler< dim >
oCMeshWorker::InfoObjects::DoFInfo< dim, spacedim >Very basic info class only containing information on geometry and degrees of freedom of a mesh entity
oCMeshWorker::InfoObjects::DoFInfo< dim >
oCAppFrame::EventObjects of this kind are used to notify interior applications of changes provoked by an outer loop
oCSIM::ExperimentalDataDescription: Used to read in an array of experimental data with column headers
oCFcstUtilities::FCSTdatabaseThis class is for interfacing with SQL databases, *for the purpose of accessing and storing simulation results
oCFiniteElement< int, int >
oCFullMatrix< number >
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::Functional< number >The class assembling local contributions to a functional into the global functionals
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::Functional< double >
oCLinearSolvers::GMRESSolverThis class implements GMRES solver
oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::GridBase< dim >FuelCell Geometry information class
oCFuelCellShop::Material::IdealGasImplementation of the ideal gas law
oCFuelCellShop::Mixture::IdealGasMixtureImplementation of the ideal gas law for mixtures
oCLinearSolvers::ILUPreconditionerThis class implements ILU preconditioner
oCMeshWorker::InfoObjects::IntegrationInfoBox< dim >A simple container collecting five info objects required by the integration loops
oCMeshWorker::VectorSelector::ListEntryThe structure which stores the name of the selected FEVector as it is stored in FEVectors and the types of information extracted
oCAppFrame::LocalIntegrator< dim >The class using CellInfo and FaceInfo to compute local contributions to a 1form
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::LocalMatrixBlocks< number >The local matrices filled by the worker and then assembled into the global system by the derived classes
oCMeshWorker::WorkerObjects::LocalWorker< dim >Template for a class for those classes which do the actual work on cells and faces
oCMapping< int, int >
oCAppFrame::MatrixBlock< MATRIX >A wrapper around a matrix object, storing the coordinates in a block matrix as well
oCMGDoFHandler< int, int >
oCFuelCellShop::Mixture::MixtureDynamicViscosityMixtureDynamicViscosity as an abstract class
oCFuelCell::OperatingConditionsClass used to store, read from file and define the operating conditions for a fuel cell
oCOptimizationBlockMatrixApplication< dim >Note: I need to use this class in order to make sure that the compiler knows that it will be defined in the file because LocalIntegrator needs this class
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::OutputTypeThis simple structure describes an output type of a derived equation class
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::ResidualLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks< number >Assemble local residuals into global residuals
oCMeshWorker::Assembler::ResidualLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks< double >
oCSimulationSelector< dim >This class is used to select the different applications within FCST
oCSimulatorBuilder< dim >This class is used to initialize and launch simulations or optimization routines
oCFuelCellShop::SolutionVariableThis structure is used to store values for a particular solution variables, at all quadrature points in the cell
oCSolverUtilsThis class is used to include routines that are used in the solve() routine of several applications such as AppCathode and AppPemfc
oCLinearSolvers::SparseDirectUMFPACKSolverThis class implements an interface to the sparse direct solver UMFPACK, see the link below
oCTensor< int, int, number >
oCTensor< 2, dim >
oCTriangulation< int, int >
oCTriangulation< dim >
oCUnitsClass used to convert units using a standard convention
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::VariableInfoThis simple structure stores certain information regarding a particular variable for the equation (all of them retrieved from #SystemManagement)
oCVector< number >
oCVector< double >
oCVector< float >
oCMeshWorker::VectorSelectorA class that selects the named FEVector vectors in FEVectors and assigns the types of information extracted
oCAppFrame::VectorSelectorThe structure indicating which blocks of which stored vectors should be handed over to the local integration functions for residuals and matrices
\CVectorSlice< class >