AppFrame | Functions and classes of the application framework |
LocalResponse | The Integrator computing the current density in the CL |
OptimizationBlockMatrixApplication | Application handling matrices and assembling the linear system to solve the sensitivity equations |
AdaptiveRefinement | This class is initialized with an application that describes the linearization of the problem that we would like to solve and the nonlinear solved that drives the process (usually a Newton loop) |
newtonBase | Base class for all classes peforming Newton's iteration |
NewtonBasic | This class performs basic Newton iterations with a constant weight |
Newton3pp | Application class performing Newton's iteration |
Newton3ppC | Application class performing Newton's iteration |
NewtonLineSearch | Application class performing Newton's iteration |
ApplicationBase | Base class for applications |
ApplicationCopy | Base class for non-terminal applications |
ApplicationData | Here we handle general data of applications |
BlockMatrixApplication | Application handling matrices and assembling linear systems of equations |
VectorSelector | The structure indicating which blocks of which stored vectors should be handed over to the local integration functions for residuals and matrices |
LocalIntegrator | The class using CellInfo and FaceInfo to compute local contributions to a 1form |
LocalResidual | |
LocalEstimate | |
DoFApplication | Integrate the residual using DoFApplication::integrate_1form() |
Event | Objects of this kind are used to notify interior applications of changes provoked by an outer loop |
FEVectors | The data type used in function calls of Application |
MatrixApplication | Application handling matrices and assembling linear systems of equations |
LocalMatrixIntegrator | |
MatrixBlock | A wrapper around a matrix object, storing the coordinates in a block matrix as well |
MeshLoop | Loop over a sequence of meshes and solve the inner application |
DoFMeshLoop | A derivate form MeshLoop providing additional functionality which needs information from a DoFApplication |
Newton | Application class performing Newton's iteration |
Random | An application class solving the same problem with a set of random start vectors |
Residual | An abstract class for computing residuals |
ApplicationResidual | A class computing a Residual using the function Application::residual() of the derived Application |
RungeKuttaExplicit | Application class for explicit Runge-Kutta methods |
TimestepControl | Control class for timestepping schemes |
ThetaTimestepping | Application class performing the theta timestepping scheme |
ThetaResidual | A more sophisticated residual class that splits jobs between the two kinds of residual needed for ThetaTimestepping |
AppShop | Integration routines for matrices and residual for standard applications |
Matrix | Local integration routines for matrices |
Boundary | Integration of boundary face matrices |
Cell | Integration of cell matrices |
Face | Integration of interior face matrices |
Residual | Local integration routines for residuals |
Boundary | Integration of boundary face residuals |
Cell | Integration of cell residuals |
Face | Integration of interior face residuals |
Constants | |
dealii | |
FcstUtilities | |
FCSTdatabase | This class is for interfacing with SQL databases, *for the purpose of accessing and storing simulation results |
DatabaseOC | This class is for storing a list of up to 5 parameters and is used as a way of informing the FCSTdatabase class about the model you wish to store/access |
FemExtras | This namespace contains FEM related methods which are not implemented in the standard deal.II library |
FuelCell | This namespace contains data and methods that handle initial and boundary data of a problem at hand |
Application | |
AppCathode | This class is used to solve a system of equations similar to the one presented in the journal article M |
AppLaplace | This class is used to develop and test new applications |
AppPemfc | This class is used to solve the physical pheonoma on a complete membrane electrode assembly |
InitialAndBoundaryData | |
InitialOrBoundaryDataBase | This class is a means to make variable initial or boundary data |
InitialSolution | This namespace is used for all those auxiliary classes that are used by AppTest |
AppLaplaceIC | This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution |
AppPemfcIC | This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution |
AppReadMeshIC | This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution |
OperatingConditions | Class used to store, read from file and define the operating conditions for a fuel cell |
SystemManagement | IMPORTANT: Add all new solution variables and equations here ! |
FuelCellShop | Container Namespace for Fuel Cell data classes |
Constants | Namespace containing all universal constants |
Equation | Namespace to hold classes that describe physical processes in fuel cells |
ElectronTransportEquation | This class deals with Electron Transport Equation |
BoundaryType | This simple structure describes a boundary type of a derived equation class |
OutputType | This simple structure describes an output type of a derived equation class |
VariableInfo | This simple structure stores certain information regarding a particular variable for the equation (all of them retrieved from #SystemManagement) |
EquationBase | This class contains generic data and methods heavily used by all derived equation classes |
FicksTransportEquation | This class implements Fick's law of diffusion |
LambdaTransportEquation | This class deals with Membrane Water Content Transport Equation |
NewFicksTransportEquation | This class deals with Ficks Transport Equation |
ProtonTransportEquation | This class deals with Proton Transport Equation |
ReactionSourceTerms | This class is used to assemble reaction source terms in the catalyst layer |
SorptionSourceTerms | This class assembles source terms corresponding to sorption/desorption of water inside the catalyst layer |
Geometry | General namespace to generate geometries and grids for FuelCell applications |
GridExternal | This class imports meshes from dealii supported file types |
Cathode | This function generates a grid for a cathode including gas diffusion and catalyst layers |
CathodeMPL | This function generates a grid for a cathode including gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers |
Anode | This function generates a grid for an anode including gas diffusion and catalyst layers |
AnodeMPL | This function generates a grid for an anode including gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers |
Pemfc | This function generates a PEMFC grid including gas diffusion and catalyst layers |
PemfcMPL | This function generates a PEMFC grid including a membrane, gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers |
Agglomerate | This function generates an agglomerate with a core and a thin film subdomain |
GridTest | This class treates a test mesh with one element |
GridBase | FuelCell Geometry information class |
Kinetics | Namespace to hold classes that implement kinetic models |
BaseKinetics | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all kinetic/reaction children |
ButlerVolmerKinetics | This class implements a Butler-Volmer kinetic model |
DualPathKinetics | This class will contain the implementation of the dual path kinetic kinetic model as developed by Wang et al and described in the following paper: |
TafelKinetics | This class defines a simple Tafel kinetic model |
Layer | Namespace to hold classes that characterize fuel cell layers |
AgglomerateCL | This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions |
BaseLayer | Virtual class used to characterize a generic layer interface |
CatalystLayer | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all CatalystLayer children |
ConventionalCL | This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions |
DesignFibrousGDL | This class defines a GDL made of fibres |
DesignMPL | This class defines an MPL where effective transport properties are computed using macro-homogeneous correlations to estimate the effective properties of the media |
DummyCL | This class characterizes a macro-homogeneous catalyst layer and should be used in the case of constant effective properties, viz., effective_proton_conductivity , effective_gas_diffusivity , effective_electron_conductivity and effective_thermal_conductivity |
DummyGDL | This class is used when we want to input the effective properties to the GDL directly, without taking into account the structure of the GDL \ UNDER DEVELOPMENT |
GasDiffusionLayer | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all GasDiffusionLayer children |
HomogeneousCL | This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions |
MembraneLayer | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all MembraneLayer children |
MicroPorousLayer | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all MicroPorousLayer children |
NafionMembrane | This class implements the necessary information for a Nafion membrane |
PorousLayer | Virtual class used to implement properties that are characteristic of a void layer or a porous layer |
SGL24BA | This class defines a SGL-24-BA GDL, for which effective transport properties are constant |
SGL24BC | This class defines a SGL-24-BC MPL, for which effective transport properties are constant |
SolidLayer | This class characterizes a gas diffusion layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties |
Material | Namespace to hold classes that characterize materials used in fuel cells |
BaseMaterial | Virtual class used to provide the interface for all material classes |
CarbonBlack | Class characterizing a carbon black support |
CarbonFiber | |
CatalystBase | This class implements the interface to compute the properties of a "standard" catalyst |
CatalystSupportBase | This class implements the interface to compute the properties of a "standard" catalyst support |
FiberBase | |
IdealGas | Implementation of the ideal gas law |
MaterialPlateBase | Base class for developing bipolar plate materials |
MaterialPlateGraphite | Class to compute the properties of graphite used in bipolar plates |
Nafion | Class used to store data and provide information regarding the electrolyte |
Platinum | |
PolymerElectrolyteBase | This class implements the interface to compute the properties of a "standard" polymer electrolyte membrane material |
PureGas | Virtual class used to describe different gases and pure materials for which viscority, diffusivity, etc |
Oxygen | Oxygen as a publicly derived class of Material |
Nitrogen | Nitrogen as a publicly derived class of Material |
Water | Water as a publicly derived class of Material |
Hydrogen | Hydrogen as a publicly derived class of Material |
PureLiquid | Virtual class used to describe different liquids and pure materials for which viscority, diffusivity, etc |
LiquidWater | [ LiquidWater as a publicly derived class of Pureliquid ] |
MicroScale | |
AgglomerateBase | Class that serves as a base class for all agglomerate calculations |
IonomerAgglomerateSun | Analytical solution to an ionomer-filled agglomerate problem in 1D |
Mixture | Namespace to hold classes that define mixture properties for gases (and liquids) in fuel cells |
BinaryDiffusion | BinaryDiffusion as an abstract class |
VaporDiffusion | |
ChapmanEnskog | This class uses the Chapman Enskog theory for mono-atomic gases to estimate the binary diffusion diffusivity between two gases |
LiquidDiffusion | |
WilkeChang | |
HanBartelsInterpolation | |
FerrellHimmelblau | |
IdealGasMixture | Implementation of the ideal gas law for mixtures |
MixtureDynamicViscosity | MixtureDynamicViscosity as an abstract class |
VaporMixtureDynamicViscosity | |
ChapmanEnskogViscosityModel | |
SolutionVariable | This structure is used to store values for a particular solution variables, at all quadrature points in the cell |
LinearSolvers | This namespace contains various linear solvers and preconditioners |
SparseDirectUMFPACKSolver | This class implements an interface to the sparse direct solver UMFPACK, see the link below |
GMRESSolver | This class implements GMRES solver |
ILUPreconditioner | This class implements ILU preconditioner |
MeshWorker | A collection of functions and classes for the mesh loops that are an ubiquitous part of each finite element program |
Assembler | The namespace containing objects that can be used to assemble data computed on cells and faces into global objects |
Functional | The class assembling local contributions to a functional into the global functionals |
CellsAndFaces | Compute cell and face contributions of a functional, typically for error estimates |
ResidualLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | Assemble local residuals into global residuals |
LocalMatrixBlocks | The local matrices filled by the worker and then assembled into the global system by the derived classes |
MatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | A helper class assembling local matrices into global matrices |
MGMatrixLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks | A helper class assembling local matrices into global multilevel matrices |
InfoObjects | |
DoFInfo | Very basic info class only containing information on geometry and degrees of freedom of a mesh entity |
IntegrationInfo | This class is created for the objects handed to the local integration functions |
IntegrationInfoBox | A simple container collecting five info objects required by the integration loops |
internal | |
WorkerObjects | |
LocalWorker | Template for a class for those classes which do the actual work on cells and faces |
IntegrationWorker | Basic worker class for integration of residuals |
BlockInfo | A small structure collecting the different BlockIndices of FEVector vectors (for instance, solution) involved in the computations |
VectorSelector | A class that selects the named FEVector vectors in FEVectors and assigns the types of information extracted |
ListEntry | The structure which stores the name of the selected FEVector as it is stored in FEVectors and the types of information extracted |
SIM | |
DakotaInterface | Classes used to interface the fuel cell analysis code with DAKOTA (an optimization toolbox) |
ExperimentalData | Description: Used to read in an array of experimental data with column headers |
BlockVector | |
BlockVector | |
BlockVector | |
BlockVector | |
BlockVector | |
ConstrainedMatrix | |
DoFApplication | |
DoFHandler | |
DoFHandler | |
FiniteElement | |
FullMatrix | |
Mapping | |
MGDoFHandler | |
OptimizationBlockMatrixApplication | Note: I need to use this class in order to make sure that the compiler knows that it will be defined in the file because LocalIntegrator needs this class |
SimulationSelector | This class is used to select the different applications within FCST |
SimulatorBuilder | This class is used to initialize and launch simulations or optimization routines |
SolverUtils | This class is used to include routines that are used in the solve() routine of several applications such as AppCathode and AppPemfc |
Tensor | |
Triangulation | |
Units | Class used to convert units using a standard convention |
Vector | |
VectorSlice | |