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FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum Class Reference

#include <platinum.h>

Inheritance diagram for FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

Constructors, destructor, and parameter initalization
 Platinum (std::string name="Platinum")
 Platinum (const bool)
 PROTOTYE Constructor.
 ~Platinum ()
virtual void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &param) const
virtual void set_parameters (const std::vector< std::string > &name_dvar, const std::vector< double > &value_dvar, ParameterHandler &param)
virtual void initialize (ParameterHandler &param)
 Member function used to read in data and initialize the necessary data from the parameter file to compute the coefficients.
Kinetic Parameter Accessors
virtual void alpha_anodic (double &) const
 Return anodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual void alpha_cathodic (double &) const
 Return cathodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual double exchange_current_density (const double &) const
 Compute the exchange current density [A/cm^2] for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual double derivative_exchange_current_density (const double &) const
 Compute the derivative of exchange current density [A/cm^2] w.r.t temperature [Kelvin] for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual void reference_concentration (const std::vector< VariableNames > &, std::map< VariableNames, double > &) const
 Compute the reference concentration for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual double voltage_cell_th (const double &) const
 Compute the theroretical cell voltage [Volts] as a function of temperature, for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual double dvoltage_cell_th_dT (const double &) const
 Compute the derivative of theoretical cell voltage [Volts] w.r.t temperature [Kelvin], for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual void reaction_order (const std::vector< VariableNames > &, std::map< VariableNames, double > &) const
 Compute the reaction order of the electrochemical reaction with respect to each species involved in the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.
virtual void set_reaction_kinetics (const std::string name)
 Member function used to specify the reaction for which the kinetic parameters are needed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
virtual void derivative_alpha_anodic (std::vector< double > &) const
 Return derivative of anodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method with respect to the solution and design parameters specified using set_derivative_flags method.
virtual void derivative_alpha_cathodic (std::vector< double > &) const
 Return derivative of cathodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method with respect to the solution and design parameters specified using set_derivative_flags method.
std::string get_reaction_name () const
 Member function to return the name of the reaction set in the catalyst material class.
double get_density () const
 Obtain the density [gm/cm^3].
- Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterial
void set_derivative_flags (const std::vector< VariableNames > &flags)
 Set the variables for which you would like to compute the derivatives.
const std::string & name_material ()
 Return the name of the layer.
virtual void print_material_properties () const
 This function prints out the material properties.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string concrete_name
 Name of the class.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool check_reaction_implementation (const std::string name) const
 Check that whether a particular reaction is implemented in the class or not.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
 CatalystBase (std::string name)
 CatalystBase ()
virtual ~CatalystBase ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterial
 BaseMaterial ()
 BaseMaterial (const std::string &name)
virtual ~BaseMaterial ()

Private Member Functions

Instance Delivery (Member function to create replica)
virtual boost::shared_ptr
< FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
create_replica ()
 This member function is used to create an object of type gas diffusion layer.

Private Attributes

Internal Data
double alpha_a_ORR
 Anodic transfer coefficient (ORR), given in the parameter file.
double alpha_c_ORR
 Cathodic transfer coefficient (ORR), given in the parameter file.
std::string method_kinetics_ORR
 Method for kinetics parameters (ORR), given in the parameter file.
double given_OCV_ORR
 Given value of open cell voltage (OCV) for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double given_OCV_HOR
 Given value of open cell voltage (OCV) for HOR, given in the parameter file.
double i_0_ref_ORR
 Reference exchange current density [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2] for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double c_O2_ref_ORR
 Reference oxygen concentration [mol/cm^3] for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double c_H_ref_ORR
 Reference proton concentration [mol/cm^3] for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double gamma_O2_ORR
 Reaction order corresponding to oxygen gas for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double gamma_H_ORR
 Reaction order corresponding to protons for ORR, given in the parameter file.
double alpha_a_HOR
 Anodic transfer coefficient (HOR), given in the parameter file.
double alpha_c_HOR
 Cathodic transfer coefficient (HOR), given in the parameter file.
double i_0_ref_HOR
 Reference exchange current density [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2] for HOR, given in the parameter file.
double c_H2_ref_HOR
 Reference hydrogen concentration [mol/cm^3] for HOR, given in the parameter file.
double gamma_H2_HOR
 Reaction order corresponding to hydrogen gas for HOR, given in the parameter file.

Static Private Attributes

Instance Delivery (PROTOTYPE)
static Platinum const * PROTOTYPE
 Create prototype for the layer.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
static void declare_Catalyst_parameters (ParameterHandler &param)
 Function used to declare all the data necessary in the parameter files for all BaseKinetics children.
static void set_Catalyst_parameters (const std::vector< std::string > &name_dvar, const std::vector< double > &value_dvar, ParameterHandler &param)
static boost::shared_ptr
< FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
create_Catalyst (ParameterHandler &param, std::string catalyst_name)
 Function called in create_CatalystLayer and used to select the appropriate CatalystBase children that will be used in the layer.
- Protected Types inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
typedef std::map< std::string,
FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase * > 
 This object is used to store all objects of type CatalystBase.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
static _mapFactoryget_mapFactory ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase
std::string name_reaction_kinetics
 Reaction name for which the class returns kinetic parameters.
double density
 Density of catalyst particles [gm/cm^3].

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::Platinum ( std::string  name = "Platinum")


FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::Platinum ( const bool  )

PROTOTYE Constructor.

For internal use only.
FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::~Platinum ( )


Member Function Documentation

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_anodic ( double &  ) const

Return anodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_cathodic ( double &  ) const

Return cathodic transfer coefficient for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual bool FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::check_reaction_implementation ( const std::string  name) const

Check that whether a particular reaction is implemented in the class or not.

It takes a std::string as an input argument, against which the check is done. For Developers: As more reactions are implemented in the class, this method should be extended.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

Referenced by set_reaction_kinetics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual boost::shared_ptr<FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase > FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::create_replica ( )

This member function is used to create an object of type gas diffusion layer.

This class MUST be redeclared in every child.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  param) const
High Priority Todo:

Declare parameters.

The parameters for the Platinum class will usually be declared inside the layer classes.

The parameters that are declared in the input file are as follows:

(...) <- Other sections here
subsection Materials
subsection name <- This value is specified during the constructor. By default Platinum
set Density [g/cm^3] = 21.5
//############ Oxygen Reduction Reaction Parameters ############
set Anodic transfer coefficient (ORR) = 0.5
set Cathodic transfer coefficient (ORR) = 1.0
set Method for kinetics parameters (ORR) = Parthasarathy # Options are: Given|Parthasarathy|Parthasarathy_hcd|Double_trap|Neyerlin
set Given Open Cell Voltage (ORR) [V] = 1.229
set Given Open Cell Voltage (HOR) [V] = 0.0
set Reference exchange current density (ORR) [uA/cm2] = 2.707e-2
set Reference oxygen concentration (ORR) = 0.725e-5
set Reference proton concentration (ORR) = 1.818e-3
set Oxygen reaction order (ORR) = 1.0
set Proton reaction order (ORR) = 1.0
//############ Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction Parameters ############
set Anodic transfer coefficient (HOR) = 0.5
set Cathodic transfer coefficient (HOR) = 0.5
set Reference exchange current density (HOR) [uA/cm2] = 1e6
set Reference hydrogen concentration (HOR) = 5.64e-5
set Hydrogen reaction order (HOR) = 0.25

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::derivative_exchange_current_density ( const double &  ) const

Compute the derivative of exchange current density [A/cm^2] w.r.t temperature [Kelvin] for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

It takes temperature [Kelvin] as an input argument by reference and returns the derivative.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::dvoltage_cell_th_dT ( const double &  ) const

Compute the derivative of theoretical cell voltage [Volts] w.r.t temperature [Kelvin], for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

It takes temperature [Kelvin] as an input argument and returns the derivative.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::exchange_current_density ( const double &  ) const

Compute the exchange current density [A/cm^2] for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

It takes temperature [Kelvin] as an input argument by reference and returns the exchange current density [A/cm^2].

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::initialize ( ParameterHandler &  param)

Member function used to read in data and initialize the necessary data from the parameter file to compute the coefficients.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::reaction_order ( const std::vector< VariableNames > &  ,
std::map< VariableNames, double > &   
) const

Compute the reaction order of the electrochemical reaction with respect to each species involved in the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

The reaction might depend on more than one species, therefore this class returns a std::map of reaction orders referenced using VariableNames as Key. This map is returned by reference (second argument). It takes a vector of VariableNames as first argument, corresponding to those solution variables for whose reaction orders are required.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::reference_concentration ( const std::vector< VariableNames > &  ,
std::map< VariableNames, double > &   
) const

Compute the reference concentration for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

The reaction might depend on more than one species, therefore this class returns a std::map of reference concentrations referenced using VariableNames as Key. This map is returned by reference (second argument). It takes a vector of VariableNames as first argument, corresponding to those solution variables for whose reference concentrations are required.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::set_parameters ( const std::vector< std::string > &  name_dvar,
const std::vector< double > &  value_dvar,
ParameterHandler &  param 
High Priority Todo:

Member function used to change the values in the parameter file for a given list of parameters.

  • name_dvar should ideally contain the string as it would appear in the input parameter file.
  • value_dvar contains the value that the variable should be set at.
  • param is the ParameterHandler that contains all the information that has been read from file.

List of available std::string that can be changed, i.e. name_dvar are given below:

  • "alpha_a_ORR" : anodic transfer coefficient (ORR)
  • "alpha_c_ORR" : cathodic transfer coefficient (ORR)
  • "i_0_ref_ORR" : reference exchange current density (ORR) [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2]
  • "c_O2_ref_ORR" : reference oxygen concentration (ORR) [mol/cm^3]
  • "c_H_ref_ORR" : reference proton concentration (ORR) [mol/cm^3]
  • "gamma_O2_ORR" : oxygen reaction order (ORR)
  • "gamma_H_ORR" : proton reaction order (ORR)
  • "alpha_a_HOR" : anodic transfer coefficient (HOR)
  • "alpha_c_HOR" : cathodic transfer coefficient (HOR)
  • "i_0_ref_HOR" : reference exchange current density (HOR) [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2]
  • "c_H2_ref_HOR" : reference hydrogen concentration (HOR) [mol/cm^3]
  • "gamma_H2_HOR" : hydrogen reaction order (HOR)

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

virtual void FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::set_reaction_kinetics ( const std::string  name)

Member function used to specify the reaction for which the kinetic parameters are needed.

Method will fail if any other std::string is passed, other than the ones mentioned below:

  • "ORR"
  • "HOR"

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

References check_reaction_implementation(), FuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterial::name, and FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase::name_reaction_kinetics.

Here is the call graph for this function:

virtual double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::voltage_cell_th ( const double &  ) const

Compute the theroretical cell voltage [Volts] as a function of temperature, for the reaction specified using set_reaction_kinetics method.

It takes temperature [Kelvin] as an input argument and returns the voltage.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Material::CatalystBase.

Member Data Documentation

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_a_HOR

Anodic transfer coefficient (HOR), given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_a_ORR

Anodic transfer coefficient (ORR), given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_c_HOR

Cathodic transfer coefficient (HOR), given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::alpha_c_ORR

Cathodic transfer coefficient (ORR), given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::c_H2_ref_HOR

Reference hydrogen concentration [mol/cm^3] for HOR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::c_H_ref_ORR

Reference proton concentration [mol/cm^3] for ORR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::c_O2_ref_ORR

Reference oxygen concentration [mol/cm^3] for ORR, given in the parameter file.

const std::string FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::concrete_name

Name of the class.

This name is used to select the layer.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::gamma_H2_HOR

Reaction order corresponding to hydrogen gas for HOR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::gamma_H_ORR

Reaction order corresponding to protons for ORR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::gamma_O2_ORR

Reaction order corresponding to oxygen gas for ORR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::given_OCV_HOR

Given value of open cell voltage (OCV) for HOR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::given_OCV_ORR

Given value of open cell voltage (OCV) for ORR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::i_0_ref_HOR

Reference exchange current density [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2] for HOR, given in the parameter file.

double FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::i_0_ref_ORR

Reference exchange current density [ \( \mu \) A/cm^2] for ORR, given in the parameter file.

std::string FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::method_kinetics_ORR

Method for kinetics parameters (ORR), given in the parameter file.

Platinum const* FuelCellShop::Material::Platinum::PROTOTYPE

Create prototype for the layer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: