OpenFCST: The open-source Fuel Cell Simulation Toolbox
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::ApplicationDataHere we handle general data of applications
oCFuelCellShop::Kinetics::BaseKineticsVirtual class used to provide the interface for all kinetic/reaction children
|oCFuelCellShop::Kinetics::ButlerVolmerKineticsThis class implements a Butler-Volmer kinetic model
|oCFuelCellShop::Kinetics::DoubleTrapKineticsThis class contains the implementation of the double trap kinetic model as described in the following paper:
|oCFuelCellShop::Kinetics::DualPathKineticsThis class will contain the implementation of the dual path kinetic kinetic model as developed by Wang et al and described in the following paper:
|\CFuelCellShop::Kinetics::TafelKineticsThis class defines a simple Tafel kinetic model
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::BoundaryTypeThis simple structure describes a boundary type of a derived equation class
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::DAESolverThis class provides an interface to the Fortran 77 code COLDAE
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::DAEWrapperThis class is to be used as a wrapper for the functions needed in the DAESolver
|oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::IonomerAgglomerateClass that solves an ionomer-filled agglomerate problem in 1D
|\CFuelCellShop::MicroScale::WaterAgglomerateClass that solves a water-filled agglomerate problem in 1D
oCSIM::DakotaApplicationThis class is used to interface with DAKOTA as an algorithm library
oCSIM::DakotaInterface< dim >Classes used to interface the fuel cell analysis code with DAKOTA (an optimization toolbox)
oCFcstUtilities::DatabaseOCThis class is for storing a list of up to 10 parameters and is used as a way of informing the FCSTdatabase class about the model you wish to store/access
|oCFuelCellShop::PostProcessing::HORCurrentDensityDataOut< dim >Class used to evaluate the HOR current density, overpotential and effectiveness at catalyst layer DoF point in the finite element mesh
|\CFuelCellShop::PostProcessing::ORRCurrentDensityDataOut< dim >Class used to evaluate the ORR current density, overpotential, effectiveness and the oxygen coverages (when applicable) at catalyst layer DoF point in the finite element mesh
|oCFuelCellShop::PostProcessing::CapillaryPressureDataOut< dim >Class used to evaluate the capillary pressure at PorousLayer (viz., GDL, MPL and CL) DoF point in the finite element mesh
|\CFuelCellShop::PostProcessing::RelativeHumidityDataOut< dim >Class used to evaluate the relative humidity at PorousLayer (viz., GDL, MPL and CL) DoF point in the finite element mesh
|\CSIM::DakotaDirectInterface< dim >This class is used to read the input file from Dakota in its original format, use this inforamtion to launch the fuel cell simulator and finally from the data from the fuel cell simulator, write the output to Dakota
oCdealii::DoFHandler< int, int >
oCdealii::DoFHandler< dim >
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFInfo< dim, spacedim >Very basic info class only containing information on geometry and degrees of freedom on a mesh entity
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFInfo< dim >
|\CFuelCell::ApplicationCore::IntegrationInfo< dim, FEVALUESBASE >This class is created for the objects handed to the mesh loops
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::EventObjects of this kind are used to notify interior applications of changes provoked by an outer loop
oCSIM::ExperimentalDataDescription: Used to read in an array of experimental data with column headers
oCFcstUtilities::FCSTdatabaseThis class is for interfacing with SQL databases, for the purpose of accessing and storing simulation results
oCFcstUtilities::FCSTLogStreamThe object FcstUtilities::log should be used throughout OpenFCST for console logging
oCdealii::FiniteElement< int, int >
|oCFuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::InitialOrBoundaryDataBase< dim >This class is a means to make variable initial or boundary data
|oCFuelCell::InitialSolution::AppPemfcIC< dim >This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution
|oCFuelCell::InitialSolution::AppPemfcNIThermalIC< dim >This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution
|oCFuelCell::InitialSolution::AppReadMeshIC< dim >This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution
|\CFuelCell::InitialSolution::AppThermalTestIC< dim >This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution
oCLinearSolvers::GMRESSolverThis class implements GMRES solver
oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::GridBase< dim >FuelCell Geometry information class
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::Agglomerate< dim >This function generates an agglomerate with a core and a thin film subdomain
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::Anode< dim >This function generates a grid for an anode including gas diffusion and catalyst layers
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::AnodeMPL< dim >This function generates a grid for an anode including gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::Cathode< dim >This function generates a grid for a cathode including gas diffusion and catalyst layers
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::CathodeMPL< dim >This function generates a grid for a cathode including gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::GridExternal< dim >This class imports meshes from dealii supported file types
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::GridTest< dim >This class treates a test mesh with one element
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::HyperCube< dim >This function generates a square or cubic mesh
|oCFuelCellShop::Geometry::Pemfc< dim >This function generates a PEMFC grid including gas diffusion and catalyst layers
|\CFuelCellShop::Geometry::PemfcMPL< dim >This function generates a PEMFC grid including a membrane, gas diffusion, microporous, and catalyst layers
oCLinearSolvers::ILUPreconditionerThis class implements ILU preconditioner
|\CFuelCellShop::SolutionMapConvenient storage object for SolutionVariables
oCdealii::Mapping< int, int >
oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::MatrixBlock< MATRIX >A wrapper around a MATRIX object, storing the coordinates in the global block matrix as well
oCdealii::MGDoFHandler< int, int >
oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::MicroScaleBaseThe base class for micro scale objects in OpenFCST
|oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::AgglomerateBaseThe base class for agglomerate objects in OpenFCST
|oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::ICCPClass that solves solid carbon particle, with Pt surface loading, surrounded by ionomer thin film
|\CFuelCellShop::MicroScale::PolyAgglomerateAn agglomerate model which considers a combination of agglomerates
oCFuelCell::OperatingConditionsClass used to store, read from file and define the operating conditions for a fuel cell
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::OutputTypeThis simple structure describes an output type of a derived equation class
oCFuelCell::ParametricStudy< dim >This application is used to perform a parametric study for a given fuel cell model
|\CFuelCell::PolarizationCurve< dim >This application is used to compute the polarization curve for a given fuel cell model
|\Cdealii::ParameterGui::BrowseLineEditSpecial line editor for the parameterGUI
|\Cdealii::ParameterGui::ParameterDelegateImplements special delegates for the QTreeWidget class used in the parameterGUI
|\CFCSTGUI::MainWindowOf the the FCST parameterGUI
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::ReactionHeatThis class is used to compute non-linear reaction heat source terms in a catalyst layer
oCSimulationSelector< dim >This class selects an openFCST application which will run
oCSimulatorBuilder< dim >This class is used to output data or to initialize and launch simulations
oCFuelCellShop::SolutionVariableThis structure is used to encapsulate data from constant values and variable solution data that is used in Layer classes to compute effective transport properties
oCLinearSolvers::SparseDirectUMFPACKSolverThis class implements an interface to the sparse direct solver UMFPACK, see the link below
|oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::ApplicationBaseBase class for applications
|oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::BlockInfoA small structure collecting the different BlockIndices of FEVector vectors (for instance, solution) involved in the computations
|oCFuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVectorsThe data type used in function calls of Application
|oCFuelCell::SystemManagementIMPORTANT: Add all new solution variables and equations here !
|oCFuelCellShop::Equation::EquationBase< dim >This class contains generic data and methods heavily used by all derived equation classes
|oCFuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim >Virtual class used to characterize a generic layer interface
|oCFuelCellShop::MicroScale::BasePSD< dim >Pore Size Distribution
|\CFuelCellShop::PostProcessing::BaseResponse< dim >Virtual class used to develop a common interface to a set of functions used to evaluate functionals that are obtained at postprocessing
|\CFuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterialVirtual class used to provide the interface for all material classes
oCdealii::Triangulation< int, int >
oCdealii::Triangulation< dim >
oCUnitsClass used to convert units using a standard convention
oCFuelCellShop::Equation::VariableInfoThis simple structure stores certain information regarding a particular variable for the equation (all of them retrieved from #SystemManagement)
oCdealii::ParameterGui::XMLParameterReaderInterface to parse parameters from XML files to a QTreeWidget
\Cdealii::ParameterGui::XMLParameterWriterInterface to write parameters stored in a QTreeWidget to a file in XML format