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FuelCellShop::Layer Namespace Reference

Namespace to hold classes that characterize fuel cell layers. More...


class  BaseLayer
 Virtual class used to characterize a generic layer interface. More...
class  CatalystLayer
 Virtual class used to provide the interface for all CatalystLayer children. More...
class  Channel
 This class describes a channel and stores pointers to. More...
class  ConventionalCL
 This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions. More...
class  DesignFibrousGDL
 This class defines a GDL made of fibres. More...
class  DesignMPL
 This class defines an MPL where effective transport properties are computed using macro-homogeneous correlations to estimate the effective properties of the media. More...
class  DummyCL
 This class characterizes a macro-homogeneous catalyst layer and should be used in the case of constant effective properties, viz., effective_proton_conductivity, effective_gas_diffusivity, effective_electron_conductivity and effective_thermal_conductivity. More...
class  DummyGDL
 This class is used when we want to input the effective properties to the GDL directly, without taking into account the structure of the GDL \ UNDER DEVELOPMENT. More...
class  ExperimentalPorousLayer
 This class describes a porous layer and stores pointers to. More...
class  GasDiffusionLayer
 Virtual class used to provide the interface for all GasDiffusionLayer children. More...
class  HomogeneousCL
 This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions. More...
class  MembraneLayer
 Virtual class used to provide the interface for all MembraneLayer children. More...
class  MicroPorousLayer
 Virtual class used to provide the interface for all MicroPorousLayer children. More...
class  MultiScaleCL
 This class characterizes a catalyst layer and uses this information to compute effective transport properties and interfacial areas for phase change or electrochemical reactions. More...
class  NafionMembrane
 This class implements the necessary information for a Nafion membrane. More...
class  PorousLayer
 Virtual class used to implement properties that are characteristic of a porous layer. More...
class  SGL24BA
 This class defines a SGL-24-BA GDL, for which effective transport properties are constant. More...
class  SGL24BC
 This class defines a SGL-24-BC MPL, for which effective transport properties are constant. More...
class  SolidLayer
 This class is used to represent a solid layer. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace to hold classes that characterize fuel cell layers.

Low Priority Todo:
Create a macrohomogeneous with pore size distribution CL class (inherits from macrohomogeneous catalyst layer).