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FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim > Class Template Reference

This class defines a SGL-24-BA GDL, for which effective transport properties are constant. More...

#include <SGL_24_BA.h>

Inheritance diagram for FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

Accessors and info
void effective_gas_diffusivity (Table< 2, Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Returns the effective diffusivity of the media. More...
void effective_electron_conductivity (Tensor< 2, dim > &) const
 Returns the effective electron conductivity of the media. More...
void effective_thermal_conductivity (Tensor< 2, dim > &) const
 Returns the effective thermal conductivity of the media. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
virtual void set_diffusion_species_name (std::string &name)
 Member function used by some applications such as dummyGDL in order to know which value to return. More...
const std::type_info & get_base_type () const
 This member function returns a type_info object with the name of the base layer type the inherited class belongs to, i.e. More...
virtual void test_class () const
 Class test. More...
virtual void effective_gas_diffusivity (const double &, const double &, double &) const
 Compute the effective property in the pores of the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_gas_diffusivity (const double &, const double &, Tensor< 2, dim > &) const
 Compute the effective property in the pores of the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_gas_diffusivity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Return the effective diffusivity [m^2/s] for nonisothermal with/without two-phase case in the GDL. More...
virtual void derivative_effective_gas_diffusivity (std::map< VariableNames, std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > > &) const
 Return the derivative of effective diffusivity w.r.t solution variables/design parameters for nonisothermal with/without two-phase case in the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_gas_diffusivity (Table< 2, double > &D_eff) const
 Return the effective diffusivty in the GDL for all the gases assigned to the layer using set_gases_and_compute. More...
virtual void effective_electron_conductivity (double &) const
 Compute the effective electron conductivity in the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_electron_conductivity (const double &, double &) const
 Compute the effective electron conductivity in the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_electron_conductivity (const double &, Tensor< 2, dim > &) const
 Compute the effective electron conductivity in the GDL. More...
virtual void derivative_effective_electron_conductivity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of the effective electron conductivity in the GDL with respect to either the solution or design parameters. More...
virtual void effective_thermal_conductivity (double &) const
 Compute the effective thermal conductivity (isotropic) in the GDL. More...
virtual void effective_thermal_conductivity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Compute the effective thermal conductivity (anisotropic) in the GDL, dependent on various solution variables, eg: Temperature. More...
virtual void derivative_effective_thermal_conductivity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of the effective thermal conductivity in the GDL with respect to either the solution or design parameters. More...
virtual void gas_permeablity (double &) const
 Compute the GDL gas permeability. More...
virtual void gas_permeablity (Tensor< 2, dim > &) const
 Compute the GDL gas permeability. More...
virtual void derivative_gas_permeablity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of the effective gas permeability in the GDL with respect to either the solution or design parameters. More...
virtual void liquid_permeablity (std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > &) const
 Compute the anisotropic GDL liquid permeability $ \left[ cm^2 \right] $, at all quadrature points in the cell. More...
virtual void derivative_liquid_permeablity (std::map< VariableNames, std::vector< Tensor< 2, dim > > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of the anisotropic liquid permeability in the GDL with respect to either the solution or design parameters, at all quadrature points in the cell. More...
virtual void pcapillary (std::vector< double > &) const
 Compute $ p_c \quad \left[ dyne \cdot cm^{-2}\right] $, at all quadrature points in the cell. More...
virtual void dpcapillary_dsat (std::vector< double > &) const
 Compute $ \frac{\partial p_c}{\partial s} \quad \left[ dyne \cdot cm^{-2}\right] $, at all quadrature points in the GDL. More...
virtual void derivative_dpcapillary_dsat (std::map< VariableNames, std::vector< double > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of $ \frac{\partial p_c}{\partial s} \quad \left[ dyne \cdot cm^{-2}\right] $ in the GDL, with respect to either the solution or design parameters, at all quadrature points in the cell. More...
virtual void interfacial_surface_area (std::vector< double > &) const
 Compute the liquid-gas interfacial surface area per unit volume, $ a_{lv} ~\left[ \frac{cm^2}{cm^3} \right] $, at all quadrature points in the GDL. More...
virtual void derivative_interfacial_surface_area (std::map< VariableNames, std::vector< double > > &) const
 Compute the derivative of the liquid-gas interfacial surface area per unit volume, with respect to either the solution variables or design parameters, at all quadrature points in the GDL. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::PorousLayer< dim >
void set_gases_and_compute (std::vector< FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas * > &gases_in, const double &pressure_in, const double &temperature_in)
 Member function used to store all the gases that are in the pore space in the gas diffusion layer as well as their temperature [Kelvin] and total pressure [atm]. More...
void compute_gas_diffusion (FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solvent_gas)
 Member function used to compute bulk diffusion coefficients and derivatives w.r.t temperature for non-isothermal case and store inside the layer. More...
void set_gases (std::vector< FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas * > &gases_in, const double &pressure_in)
 Member function used to store all the gases that are in the pore space in the porous layer. More...
void set_gas_mixture (FuelCellShop::Material::GasMixture &rgas_mixture)
 Set gas_mixture. More...
void set_porosity_permeability_tortuosity_booleans (const bool &rporosity_is_constant, const bool &rpermeability_is_constant, const bool &rtortuosity_is_constant)
 Set. More...
void set_temperature (const SolutionVariable &T_in)
 Member function used to set the temperature [Kelvin] at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
void set_saturation (const SolutionVariable &s_in)
 Member function used to set the liquid water saturation at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
FuelCellShop::Material::PureGasget_gas_pointer (int index) const
 Return the FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas pointer that is stored inside the class in the ith position. More...
< FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas * > 
get_gases () const
 Returns the vector of FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas pointers stored in the porous layer. More...
get_gas_mixture () const
 This function returns gas_mixture. More...
void get_gas_index (FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *gas_type, int &index) const
 Return the gas index in the GDL class. More...
void get_T_and_p (double &T, double &p) const
 Return the constant temperature [Kelvin] and constant pressure [atm] inside the layer. More...
void get_p (double &p) const
 Return the constant pressure [atm] inside the layer. More...
const bool & get_porosity_is_constant () const
 This function returns porosity_is_constant. More...
const bool & get_permeability_is_constant () const
 This function returns permeability_is_constant. More...
const bool & get_tortuosity_is_constant () const
 This function returns tortuosity_is_constant. More...
double get_porosity () const
 This function computes constant porosity in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_porosity (std::vector< double > &dst) const
 This function computes constant porosity in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_porosity (std::vector< double > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes variable porosity in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes constant permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes variable permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_SQRT_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes square root of constant permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_SQRT_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes square root of variable permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_permeability_INV (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes inverse of constant permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_permeability_INV (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes inverse of variable permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_SQRT_permeability_INV (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes inverse of square root of constant permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_SQRT_permeability_INV (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes inverse of square root of variable permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_Forchheimer_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes constant Forchheimer permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_Forchheimer_permeability (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes variable Forchheimer permeability in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_tortuosity (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst) const
 This function computes constant tortuosity in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
void get_tortuosity (std::vector< SymmetricTensor< 2, dim > > &dst, const std::vector< Point< dim > > &points) const
 This function computes variable tortuosity in quadrature points of a mesh entity. More...
virtual void print_layer_properties () const
 This member function is a virtual class that can be used to output to screen information from the layer. More...
void effective_gas_diffusion_coefficient (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solvent_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, const SolutionVariable &p_in, std::vector< double > &D_b) const
 Member function used to compute diffusionfor a solute_gas, solvent_gas combination at a given temperature and pressure using the Bousinesq approximation is used in order to compute the bulk combined diffusivity such that

\[ \frac{1}{D} = \frac{1}{D_{i,j}} + \frac{1}{D^K_i} \]

where $ D_{i,j}$ is the molecular diffusion coefficient obtained using effective_molecular_gas_diffusion_coefficient and $ D^K_i $ is the Knudsen diffusivity computed using Knudsen_diffusion. More...

void effective_gas_diffusion_coefficient (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solvent_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, const SolutionVariable &p_in, std::vector< double > &D_b, std::vector< double > &dD_b_dT) const
 Member function used to compute diffusion and its derivative for a solute_gas, solvent_gas combination at a given temperature and pressure using the Bousinesq approximation is used in order to compute the bulk combined diffusivity such that

\[ \frac{1}{D} = \frac{1}{D_{i,j}} + \frac{1}{D^K_i} \]

where $ D_{i,j}$ is the molecular diffusion coefficient obtained using effective_molecular_gas_diffusion_coefficient and $ D^K_i $ is the Knudsen diffusivity computed using Knudsen_diffusion. More...

void effective_molecular_gas_diffusion_coefficient (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solvent_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, const SolutionVariable &p_in, std::vector< double > &D_m) const
 Member function used to compute molecular diffusion for a solute_gas, solvent_gas combination at a given temperature and pressure. More...
void effective_molecular_gas_diffusion_coefficient (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solvent_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, const SolutionVariable &p_in, std::vector< double > &D_m, std::vector< double > &dD_m_dT) const
 Member function used to compute molecular diffusion for a solute_gas, solvent_gas combination at a given temperature and pressure. More...
void Knudsen_diffusion (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, std::vector< double > &D_k) const
 Member function used to compute the Knudsen diffusivity in the layer. More...
void Knudsen_diffusion (const FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas *solute_gas, const SolutionVariable &T_in, std::vector< double > &D_k, std::vector< double > &dD_k_dT) const
 Member function used to compute the Knudsen diffusivity in the layer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim >
virtual void set_derivative_flags (const std::vector< VariableNames > &flags)
 Set the variables for which you would like to compute the derivatives. More...
void set_position (const std::vector< Point< dim > > &p)
 Member function used by some applications such as dummyGDL in order to know which value to return. More...
void set_local_material_id (const unsigned int &id)
 Function for setting local material id, for unit testing purposes. More...
void unset_local_material_id ()
 Function for unsetting local material id, so that it isn't incorrectly used later Once the key is "unset" to some invalid value, an error will be thrown if the key is requested again without being set. More...
virtual void set_constant_solution (const double &value, const VariableNames &name)
 Set those solution variables which are constant in the particular application. More...
virtual void set_solution (const std::vector< SolutionVariable > &)
 If the effective properties in the layer depend on the solution, the solution for a given cell should be passed to the class using this member function. More...
bool belongs_to_material (const unsigned int material_id)
 Check if a given cell belongs to the catalyst layer and assign. More...
const std::string & name_layer () const
 Return the name of the layer. More...
virtual bool test_layer ()
 This virtual class should be used for any derived class to be able to test the functionality of the class. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > get_material_ids ()
 Return the local material id of the layer. More...
unsigned int local_material_id () const
 Return the local material id of the layer, performs a check. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string concrete_name
 Concrete name used for objects of this class. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
static const std::string concrete_name
 Concrete name used for objects of this class. More...

Private Attributes

Internal variables
Tensor< 2, dimporosity_over_tortuosity
 Tensor of effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity. More...
double porosity_over_tortuosity_X
 Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in X direction. More...
double porosity_over_tortuosity_Y
 Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in Y direction. More...
double porosity_over_tortuosity_Z
 Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in Z direction. More...
Tensor< 2, dimelectron_conductivity
 Tensor storing the effective electronic conductivity. More...
double electron_conductivity_X
 Effective electronic conductivity in X direction. More...
double electron_conductivity_Y
 Effective electronic conductivity in Y direction. More...
double electron_conductivity_Z
 Effective electronic conductivity in Z direction. More...
Tensor< 2, dimthermal_conductivity
 Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in X direction. More...
double thermal_conductivity_X
 Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in X direction. More...
double thermal_conductivity_Y
 Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in Y direction. More...
double thermal_conductivity_Z
 Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in Z direction. More...

Constructors, destructor, and initalization

 SGL24BA ()
 Replica Constructors. More...
 SGL24BA (const std::string &name)
 Constructor. More...
 ~SGL24BA ()
 Destructor. More...
void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &param) const
virtual void initialize (ParameterHandler &param)
 Member function used to read in data and initialize the necessary data to compute the coefficients. More...
void declare_parameters (const std::string &name, ParameterHandler &param) const
 Declare parameters for a parameter file. More...

Instance Delivery

static SGL24BA< dim > const * PROTOTYPE
 Create prototype for the layer. More...
virtual boost::shared_ptr
< FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer
< dim > > 
create_replica (const std::string &name)
 This member function is used to create an object of type gas diffusion layer. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
static void declare_GasDiffusionLayer_parameters (const std::string &gdl_section_name, ParameterHandler &param)
 Function used to declare all the data necessary in the parameter files for all GasDiffusionLayer children. More...
static boost::shared_ptr
< FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer
< dim > > 
create_GasDiffusionLayer (const std::string &gld_section_name, ParameterHandler &param)
 Function used to select the appropriate GasDiffusionLayer type as specified in the ParameterHandler under line. More...
- Protected Types inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
typedef std::map< std::string,
GasDiffusionLayer< dim > * > 
 This object is used to store all objects of type GasDiffusionLayer. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
 GasDiffusionLayer ()
 Replica Constructors. More...
 ~GasDiffusionLayer ()
 Destructor. More...
 GasDiffusionLayer (const std::string &name)
 Constructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::PorousLayer< dim >
 PorousLayer (const std::string &name)
 Constructor. More...
 PorousLayer ()
 Constructor. More...
 PorousLayer (const std::string &name, FuelCellShop::Material::GasMixture &gas_mixture)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~PorousLayer ()
 Destructor. More...
void print_caller_name (const std::string &caller_name) const
 This function is used to print out the name of another function that has been declared in the scope of this class, but not yet been implemented. More...
virtual void gas_diffusion_coefficients (Table< 2, double > &) const
 Return the molecular diffusivty all the gases assigned to the layer using set_gases_and_compute. More...
virtual void derivative_gas_diffusion_coefficients (std::vector< Table< 2, double > > &) const
 Return the derivative of the molecular diffusion coefficient with respect to the derivative flags for all the gases assigned to the layer using set_gases_and_compute. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim >
 BaseLayer ()
 Constructor. More...
 BaseLayer (const std::string &name)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~BaseLayer ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void set_parameters (const std::string &object_name, const std::vector< std::string > &name_dvar, const std::vector< double > &value_dvar, ParameterHandler &param)
 Member function used to change the values in the parameter file for a given list of parameters. More...
virtual void set_parameters (const std::vector< std::string > &name_dvar, const std::vector< double > &value_dvar, ParameterHandler &param)
 Set parameters in parameter file. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
static _mapFactoryget_mapFactory ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >
std::string diffusion_species_name
 If GDL properties are stored inside the class (e.g. More...
std::string PSD_type
 PSD class type from input file. More...
double porosity
 Porosity of the GDL. More...
Tensor< 2, dimtortuosity_tensor
 Tortuosity tensor of the GDL. More...
Tensor< 2, dimthermal_conductivity_tensor
 Tensor storing the effective thermal conductivity of the layer. More...
double electron_conductivity
 Double storing the electric conductivity of the GDL is the layer is isotropic. More...
Tensor< 2, dimelectron_conductivity_tensor
 Tensor storing the effective electronic conductivity of the layer. More...
< FuelCellShop::MicroScale::BasePSD
< dim > > 
- Protected Attributes inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::PorousLayer< dim >
 Gas mixture. More...
< FuelCellShop::Material::PureGas * > 
 Gases inside a porous layer. More...
bool porosity_is_constant
 Variable defining if the porosity is constant. More...
bool permeability_is_constant
 Variable defining if the permeability is constant. More...
bool tortuosity_is_constant
 Variable defining if the tortuosity is constant. More...
double porosity
 User defined constant porosity. More...
double Knudsen_radius
 Parameter used to define Knudsen pore radius. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimpermeability
 User defined constant permeability, m^2. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimSQRT_permeability
 Square root of user defined constant permeability, m. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimpermeability_INV
 Inverse of user defined constant permeability, 1/m^2. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimSQRT_permeability_INV
 Inverse of square root of user defined constant permeability, 1/m. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimForchheimer_permeability
 User defined constant Forchheimer permeability, 1/m. More...
SymmetricTensor< 2, dimtortuosity
 User defined constant tortuosity. More...
std::string diffusion_species_name
 If GDL properties are stored inside the class (e.g DummyGDL) then, return the property stored under coefficient_name name. More...
double temperature
 Temperature [K] used to compute gas diffusivity. More...
double pressure
 Total pressure [atm] used to compute gas diffusivity. More...
SolutionVariable T_vector
 Temperature at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
SolutionVariable s_vector
 Liquid water saturation at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
Table< 2, double > D_ECtheory
 Tensor of diffusion coefficients – This are computed with setting up the gas so that they do not need to be recomputed all the time. More...
std::vector< Table< 2, double > > dD_ECtheory_dx
 Vector of tensors for the derivative of the diffusion coefficients – This are computed with setting up the gas so that they do not need to be recomputed all the time. More...
std::vector< double > D_bulk
 Vector of bulk diffusion coefficients at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
std::vector< double > dD_bulk_dT
 Vector of derivative of bulk diffusion coefficients w.r.t temperature, at every quadrature point inside the cell. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim >
const std::string name
 Name of the layer. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > material_ids
 List of material IDs that belong to the layer. More...
std::vector< Point< dim > > point
 Coordinates of the point where we would like to compute the effective properties. More...
std::vector< VariableNamesderivative_flags
 Flags for derivatives: These flags are used to request derivatives. More...
std::map< VariableNames, double > constant_solutions
 Map storing values of solution variables constant in a particular application. More...

Detailed Description

template<int dim>
class FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >

This class defines a SGL-24-BA GDL, for which effective transport properties are constant.

Effective electron and thermal properties are estimates. Better values need to be obtained from the literature for accurate use of this class. The values for the electron and thermal conducitivities should be added to the constructor (lines 26-34 in
Premeability values also needed.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<int dim>
FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::SGL24BA ( )

Replica Constructors.

For internal use only.

Constructor used only to create a prototype. Do not use in general since this will not include the name of the section in the parameter file you need.

template<int dim>
FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::SGL24BA ( const std::string &  name)


Eventually, I would like to make this private.
Use create_GasDiffusionLayer
template<int dim>
FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::~SGL24BA ( )


Member Function Documentation

template<int dim>
virtual boost::shared_ptr<FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer<dim> > FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::create_replica ( const std::string &  name)

This member function is used to create an object of type gas diffusion layer.

This class MUST be redeclared in every child.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler &  param) const
Eventually, I would like to make this private.
Use declare_all_GasDiffusionLayer_parameters

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::declare_parameters ( const std::string &  name,
ParameterHandler &  param 
) const

Declare parameters for a parameter file.

Nothing to declare here other than the declaration of the base layer. However, the member function must be implemented so that the layer has the same structure as other layers.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::effective_electron_conductivity ( Tensor< 2, dim > &  ) const

Returns the effective electron conductivity of the media.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::effective_gas_diffusivity ( Table< 2, Tensor< 2, dim > > &  ) const

Returns the effective diffusivity of the media.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::effective_thermal_conductivity ( Tensor< 2, dim > &  ) const

Returns the effective thermal conductivity of the media.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

template<int dim>
virtual void FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::initialize ( ParameterHandler &  param)

Member function used to read in data and initialize the necessary data to compute the coefficients.

Reimplemented from FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer< dim >.

Member Data Documentation

template<int dim>
const std::string FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::concrete_name

Concrete name used for objects of this class.

This name is used when setting up the subsection where the data is stored in the input file.

The data will be store under

* subsection name_specified_in_constructor
* set Material id = 2
* set Gas diffusion layer type = DummyGDL # <-here I select the type of object of type GasDiffusionLayer
* subsection DummyGDL # <- this is the concrete_name for this class
* set all info relevant to this object
* end
* end
template<int dim>
Tensor<2, dim> FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::electron_conductivity

Tensor storing the effective electronic conductivity.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::electron_conductivity_X

Effective electronic conductivity in X direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::electron_conductivity_Y

Effective electronic conductivity in Y direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::electron_conductivity_Z

Effective electronic conductivity in Z direction.

template<int dim>
Tensor<2, dim> FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::porosity_over_tortuosity

Tensor of effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::porosity_over_tortuosity_X

Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in X direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::porosity_over_tortuosity_Y

Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in Y direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::porosity_over_tortuosity_Z

Effective porosity over tortuosity used for gas diffusivity in Z direction.

template<int dim>
SGL24BA<dim> const* FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::PROTOTYPE

Create prototype for the layer.

template<int dim>
Tensor<2, dim> FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::thermal_conductivity

Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in X direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::thermal_conductivity_X

Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in X direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::thermal_conductivity_Y

Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in Y direction.

template<int dim>
double FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >::thermal_conductivity_Z

Effective thermal conductivity (W/m-K) in Z direction.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: