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FuelCellShop::Equation Namespace Reference

Namespace to hold classes that describe physical processes in fuel cells. More...


class  ElectronTransportEquation
 This class deals with Electron Transport Equation. More...
struct  BoundaryType
 This simple structure describes a boundary type of a derived equation class. More...
struct  OutputType
 This simple structure describes an output type of a derived equation class. More...
struct  VariableInfo
 This simple structure stores certain information regarding a particular variable for the equation (all of them retrieved from #SystemManagement). More...
class  EquationBase
 This class contains generic data and methods heavily used by all derived equation classes. More...
class  LambdaTransportEquation
 This class deals with Membrane Water Content Transport Equation. More...
class  NewFicksTransportEquation
 This class deals with Ficks Transport Equation. More...
class  ProtonTransportEquation
 This class deals with Proton Transport Equation. More...
class  ReactionHeat
 This class is used to compute non-linear reaction heat source terms in a catalyst layer. More...
class  ReactionSourceTerms
 This class assembles the reaction source terms for all other transport equations, if there's any. More...
class  SorptionSourceTerms
 This class assembles source terms corresponding to sorption/desorption of water inside the catalyst layer. More...
class  ThermalTransportEquation
 This class deals with Thermal Transport Equation. More...


 DeclException2 (VariableShouldExistForEquation, std::string, std::string,<< "The user-defined variable with name \""<< arg1<< "\" should be one of the solution variables for equation with name \""<< arg2<< "\"")
 Exception thrown when a particular variable required by the equation class, does not exist in the user defined solution variables. More...
 DeclException2 (IndexDoNotMatch, std::string, std::string,<< "The index of variable \""<< arg1<< "\" do not match with the index of equation \""<< arg2<< "\"")
 Exception thrown when index of the user defined equation do not match with the index of the base variable for the equation. More...
 DeclException2 (VariableNotFoundForKinetics, std::string, std::string,<< "For "<< arg1<< " kinetics source terms, \""<< arg2<< "\" is not found as one of the solution variables.")
 Exception thrown when a particular "Required" solution variable is not found for cathode or anode kinetics, in user-defined solution variables. More...
 DeclException2 (VariableNotFoundForSorption, std::string, std::string,<< arg1<< " should be one of the solution variables, in order to account for "<< arg2<< " .")
 Exception thrown when a particular "Required" solution variable is not found for sorption source terms, in user-defined solution variables. More...
 DeclException2 (VariableNotFoundForOhmicHeat, std::string, std::string,<< "For "<< arg1<< " ohmic heating source term set as True, \""<< arg2<< "\" is not found as one of the solution variables.")
 Exception thrown when ohmic heating (Protonic or Electronic) is set to TRUE, but respective solution variables, $ \phi_m $ or $ \phi_s $, are not declared as user solution variables. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace to hold classes that describe physical processes in fuel cells.

This namespace should be used to take objects from the layer classes, compute the coefficients for the physical equations, and assemble the matrices and residuals.

Function Documentation

FuelCellShop::Equation::DeclException2 ( VariableNotFoundForSorption  ,
std::string  ,
std::string  ,
<< arg1<< " should be one of the solution  variables,
in order to account for"<< arg2<< "."   

Exception thrown when a particular "Required" solution variable is not found for sorption source terms, in user-defined solution variables.

FuelCellShop::Equation::DeclException2 ( VariableNotFoundForOhmicHeat  ,
std::string  ,
std::string  ,
<< "For "<< arg1<< " ohmic heating source term set as  True,
\""<< arg2<< "\" is not found as one of the solution variables."   

Exception thrown when ohmic heating (Protonic or Electronic) is set to TRUE, but respective solution variables, $ \phi_m $ or $ \phi_s $, are not declared as user solution variables.

FuelCellShop::Equation::DeclException2 ( VariableNotFoundForKinetics  ,
std::string  ,
std::string  ,
<< "For "<< arg1<< " kinetics source  terms,
\""<< arg2<< "\" is not found as one of the solution variables."   

Exception thrown when a particular "Required" solution variable is not found for cathode or anode kinetics, in user-defined solution variables.

FuelCellShop::Equation::DeclException2 ( VariableShouldExistForEquation  ,
std::string  ,
std::string  ,
<< "The user-defined variable with name \""<< arg1<< "\" should be one of the solution variables for equation with name \""<< arg2<< "\""   

Exception thrown when a particular variable required by the equation class, does not exist in the user defined solution variables.

FuelCellShop::Equation::DeclException2 ( IndexDoNotMatch  ,
std::string  ,
std::string  ,
<< "The index of variable \""<< arg1<< "\" do not match with the index of equation \""<< arg2<< "\""   

Exception thrown when index of the user defined equation do not match with the index of the base variable for the equation.