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initial_and_boundary_data.h File Reference
#include <deal.II/base/point.h>
#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
#include <deal.II/dofs/function_map.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/numerics/matrix_tools.h>
#include <application_core/application_data.h>
#include <application_core/system_management.h>
#include <solvers/solver_utils.h>
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class  FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::InitialOrBoundaryDataBase< dim >
 This class is a means to make variable initial or boundary data. More...


 This namespace contains data and methods that handle initial and boundary data of a problem at hand.


#define _IS_NOT_CONSTANT_   1.e300


typedef std::map< std::string,
std::map< types::material_id,
double > > 
 The typedef for the std::map that reflects the following structure: More...
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::map< types::boundary_id,
double > > 
 The typedef for the std::map that reflects the following structure: More...


template<typename COMPONENT_xxxID_VALUE_MAP >
const bool FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::check (const std::vector< COMPONENT_xxxID_VALUE_MAP > &maps)
 This function does some checkings on its argument maps. More...
template<typename VECTOR , typename DH >
void FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::make_piece_wise_constant_initial_data (VECTOR &dst, const Mapping< DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension > &mapping, const DH &dof, const FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management, const std::vector< component_materialID_value_map > &maps)
 This function makes piece wise constant initial data. More...
template<typename DH >
void FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::make_constant_DirichletBC_values (std::map< unsigned int, double > &dst, const Mapping< DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension > &mapping, const DH &dof, const FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management, const std::vector< component_boundaryID_value_map > &maps)
template<typename VECTOR , typename DH >
void FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::apply_piece_wise_constant_DirichletBCs (VECTOR &dst, const Mapping< DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension > &mapping, const DH &dof, const FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management, const std::vector< component_boundaryID_value_map > &maps)
 This function applies piece wise constant Dirichlet BCs. More...
template<typename DH >
void FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::make_zero_boundary_values (std::map< unsigned int, double > &dst, const Mapping< DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension > &mapping, const DH &dof, const FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management, const std::vector< component_boundaryID_value_map > &maps)
 This function makes zero boundary values. More...
template<typename MATRIX , typename VECTOR , typename DH >
void FuelCell::InitialAndBoundaryData::apply_zero_boundary_values_to_linear_system (MATRIX &matrix, VECTOR &solution, VECTOR &rhs, const Mapping< DH::dimension, DH::space_dimension > &mapping, const DH &dof, const FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management, const std::vector< component_boundaryID_value_map > &maps, const bool &repair_diagonal=false)
 This function applies zero boundary values to the linear system of equations. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _IS_NOT_CONSTANT_   1.e300

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< std::string , std::map<types::boundary_id, double> > component_boundaryID_value_map

The typedef for the std::map that reflects the following structure:

  • first argument : name of the solution component,
  • second argument : boundary id,
  • third argument : value of the solution component.
typedef std::map< std::string , std::map<types::material_id, double> > component_materialID_value_map

The typedef for the std::map that reflects the following structure:

  • first argument : name of the solution component,
  • second argument : material id,
  • third argument : value of the solution component.

This map is usually used to initialize the solution of the problem. If you would like an initial solution that is different for each matrial id, you can specify this here. For example, imagine I want to specify for material_id 0, an oxygen molar fraction of 0.1 and for material_id 2, an oxygen molar fraction of 0.2. Then, I would write

* std::map<types::material_id, double> values;
* values[0] = 0.1;
* values[1] = 0.2;
* component_materialID_value_map['oxygen_molar_fraction'] = values;

In general, this object is initialized directly from the input file in the Equations section of the data file. For example, in the input file if I write:

* subsection Equations
* subsection Ficks Transport Equation - oxygen
* subsection Initial data
* set oxygen_molar_fraction = 0: 0.1, 1: 0.2
* end
* end
* end

This would be equivalent to the code above.