OpenFCST: The open-source Fuel Cell Simulation Toolbox
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Todo List
Member AppFrame::Random::solve (FEVector &start, const FEVectors &rhs)
The return value does not differ from the input right now.
Class FuelCellShop::Layer::DesignMPL< dim >
This class should be divided into two classes DummyMPL and DesignMPL. DummyMPL is a class where all effective properties are directly specified in the input file. DesignMPL is the class used to compute the effective properties based on effective porous media approximations.
Class FuelCellShop::Layer::SGL24BA< dim >

Effective electron and thermal properties are estimates. Better values need to be obtained from the literature for accurate use of this class. The values for the electron and thermal conducitivities should be added to the constructor (lines 26-34 in

Premeability values also needed.

Class FuelCellShop::Material::BaseMaterial
create a proper tree for materials. I think it should go, material_base, then childs: electrolyte, catalyst support, catalyst (...)
Class MeshWorker::Assembler::ResidualLocalBlocksToGlobalBlocks< number >
Comprehensive model currently not implemented.