This tutorial describes the main structure of each tutorial for OpenFCST. Each tutorial is associated with the different applications in OpenFCST and it is intented to provide an example for users to learn now to use the application.
The main structure of a tuturial should contain:
2. Directory structure: This section explains the different folders that are in the tutorial sub-folder. Each subfolder can be used to explain a different feature available for the given application.
The governing equations are (...).
More information can be found in Secanell07a.
Each directory consists of at least following folders:
1. template : This folder contains the default files for running all the examples in the other folders. Please do not modify this file as it will result in all tests failing. If you would like to create your own example either include this file to your simulation using the include command or copy the file to a different location.
3. other example folders : These folders shold contain the main_test.prm and data_test.prm files needed to run a simulation to reproduce the example results. Note the data file includes the template find and adds the necessary modifications. The script to run a test to make sure the polarization curve is running correctly is in the folder regression together with the default data the test is compared to. Only the examples that are used in regression tests would have a regression subfolder.
In this section, the main.prm and data.prm files are described for the given application.
a. The main.prm / main.xml file: This file is used to select the appropriate: a) type of analysis, i.e. analysis, parametric study, polarization curve and optimization study; application; b) the nonlinear solver; c) data file name; and, d) several less critical parameters. b. The data.prm / data.xml file: This file is used to input all the input data used for the simulation for the application selected.
Both these files can either be loaded and modified via the openFCST graphical user interface (GUI) or modified as a text file.
Explain how to setup a simulation using the GUI, in particular explain the main sections that need to be modified in each file.
Explain how to setup the data file (main differences from previous applications).
Explain the results obtained usig the default main.prm and data.prm files to run an analysis case.