4.4.1. Running a membrane electrode assembly model with a macro-homogeneous CLΒΆ

An example main.prm file is given below:

#  Main file 
#  Copyright (C) 2011-14 by Energy Systems Design Laboratory, University of Alberta

include ../template/main_app_pemfc_default.prm

subsection Simulator
  set simulator parameter file name = data.prm

An example data.prm file is:

#   Testing file. Loads defaul test file and uses it to the implementation
#   of a homogeneous catalyst layer.
#   Copyright (C) 2015 by Marc Secanell, University of Alberta


include ../template/data_app_pemfc_default.prm


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4. Introduction to AppPemfc

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4.4.2. Running a membrane electrode assembly model with an agglomerate CL

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