34 namespace FuelCellShop
163 virtual void initialize(ParameterHandler& param);
std::map< unsigned int, double > get_dirichlet_bdry_map() const
Method to provide access to Dirichlet boundary conditions map filled using the parameter file...
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:211
std::vector< std::vector< Tensor< 1, dim > > > grad_phi_phiM_cell
shape function gradients.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:359
virtual void declare_parameters(ParameterHandler ¶m) const
Declare parameters.
void class_test()
This member function creates an object of its own type and runs test to diagnose if there are any pro...
virtual void print_equation_info() const
The function prints out the equation's info.
unsigned int last_iter_cell
Variable used to store the index in cell_info->global_data of the previous Newton solution The soluti...
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:411
This class deals with Proton Transport Equation.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:138
FuelCell::SystemManagement * system_management
Pointer to the external YourApplication<dim>::system_management object.
Definition: equation_base.h:817
virtual void make_output_types()
This function fills out output_types.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:305
bool bdry_residual_counter
Counter set to TRUE when bdry_residual is being assembled.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:405
virtual void make_assemblers_cell_constant_data(const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::CellInfo &cell_info)
This function computes Local CG FEM based assemblers - constant data (cell) and allocates the memor...
std::vector< double > sigmaMeff_cell
Effective proton conductivity, [S/cm], at all quadrature points of the cell.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:336
virtual void make_assemblers_bdry_constant_data(const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::FaceInfo &bdry_info)
This function computes Local CG FEM based assemblers - constant data (boundary) and allocates the m...
ProtonTransportEquation(FuelCell::SystemManagement &system_management)
virtual void make_assemblers_generic_constant_data()
This function computes Local CG FEM based assemblers - constant data (generic).
virtual void make_boundary_types()
This function fills out boundary_types.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > phi_T_cell
shape functions.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:377
This class is created for the objects handed to the mesh loops.
Definition: mesh_loop_info_objects.h:625
virtual void assemble_cell_matrix(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::MatrixVector &cell_matrices, const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::CellInfo &cell_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
Assemble local cell matrix.
std::vector< MatrixBlock< FullMatrix< double > > > MatrixVector
The matrix vector used in the mesh loops.
Definition: matrix_block.h:102
virtual void assemble_cell_residual(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector &cell_rhs, const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::CellInfo &cell_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
Assemble local cell residual.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > phi_lambda_cell
shape functions.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:368
VariableInfo phi_m
VariableInfo structure corresponding to "protonic_electrical_potential".
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:315
virtual void initialize(ParameterHandler ¶m)
Initialize parameters.
std::map< unsigned int, double > proton_current_flux_map
std::map< unsigned int, double > container for details regarding Galvanostatic boundary conditions...
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:237
virtual void make_internal_cell_couplings()
This function fills out internal_cell_couplings.
virtual void make_assemblers_cell_variable_data(const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::CellInfo &cell_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
This function computes Local CG FEM based assemblers - variable data (cell) .
This class contains generic data and methods heavily used by all derived equation classes...
Definition: equation_base.h:199
VariableInfo lambda
VariableInfo structure corresponding to "membrane_water_content".
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:320
virtual void assemble_bdry_matrix(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::MatrixVector &bdry_matrices, const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::FaceInfo &bdry_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
Assemble local boundary matrix.
virtual ~ProtonTransportEquation()
IMPORTANT: Add all new solution variables and equations here !
Definition: system_management.h:271
This simple structure stores certain information regarding a particular variable for the equation (al...
Definition: equation_base.h:121
std::vector< std::vector< double > > phi_phiM_bdry
shape functions.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:391
virtual void make_assemblers_bdry_variable_data(const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::FaceInfo &bdry_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
This function computes Local CG FEM based assemblers - variable data (boundary) .
unsigned int last_iter_bdry
Variable used to store the index in bdry_info->global_data of the previous Newton solution The soluti...
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:417
virtual void assemble_bdry_residual(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector &bdry_rhs, const typename FuelCell::ApplicationCore::DoFApplication< dim >::FaceInfo &bdry_info, FuelCellShop::Layer::BaseLayer< dim > *const layer)
Assemble local boundary residual.
VariableInfo t_rev
VariableInfo structure corresponding to "temperature_of_REV".
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:325
bool cell_residual_counter
Counter set to TRUE when cell_residual is being assembled.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:399
BlockVector< double > FEVector
The vector class used by applications.
Definition: application_data.h:39
std::vector< double > dsigmaMeff_dlambda_cell
Derivative of effective protonic conductivity w.r.t.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:343
Virtual class used to characterize a generic layer interface.
Definition: base_layer.h:58
std::vector< double > dsigmaMeff_dT_cell
Derivative of effective protonic conductivity w.r.t "temperature_of_REV", at all quadrature points in...
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:350
std::map< unsigned int, double > dirichlet_bdry_map
std::map< unsigned int, double > container for Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Definition: proton_transport_equation.h:231