OpenFCST: The open-source Fuel Cell Simulation Toolbox
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1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // FCST: Fuel Cell Simulation Toolbox
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 20014 by Energy Systems Design Laboratory, University of Alberta
6 //
7 // This software is distributed under the MIT License.
8 // For more information, see the README file in /doc/LICENSE
9 //
10 // - Class:
11 // - Description: Simple application used to test different equation classes.
12 // Specially useful to test derivatives.
13 // - Developers: M. Secanell
14 // - $Id: app_test.h 2605 2014-08-15 03:36:44Z secanell $
15 //
16 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 //
18 // #ifndef _FUELCELL__APP_TEST__H
19 // #define _FUELCELL__APP_TEST__H
20 //
21 // // Include deal.II classes
22 // #include "base/parameter_handler.h"
23 // #include "base/function_lib.h"
24 // #include "base/function.h"
25 // #include "base/quadrature_lib.h"
26 //
27 // #include "lac/block_vector.h"
28 // #include "lac/solver_cg.h"
29 // #include "lac/solver_gmres.h"
30 // #include "lac/precondition.h"
31 // #include "lac/precondition_block.h"
32 // #include "lac/block_matrix_array.h"
33 // #include "lac/filtered_matrix.h"
34 // #include "lac/sparse_ilu.h"
35 // #include "lac/sparse_direct.h"
36 //
37 // #include "grid/grid_generator.h"
38 // #include "grid/tria_accessor.h"
39 // #include "grid/tria_iterator.h"
40 // #include "grid/tria_boundary_lib.h"
41 //
42 // #include "fe/fe_values.h"
43 //
44 // #include "numerics/vector_tools.h"
45 // #include "numerics/matrix_tools.h"
46 // #include "numerics/error_estimator.h"
47 //
48 // #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
49 //
50 // // Include appframe classes
51 // #include "appframe/base.h"
52 // #include "block_matrix_application.h"
53 // #include "appframe/matrix_shop_cell.h"
54 // #include "appframe/residual_shop_cell.h"
55 //
56 // // Include FuelCell classes
57 // #include "system_management.h"
58 // #include "optimization_block_matrix_application.h"
59 // #include "solver_utils.h"
60 // #include "operating_conditions.h"
61 // #include "dummy_GDL.h"
62 // #include "PureGas.h"
63 // #include "GasMixture.h"
64 // #include "geometries.h"
65 // #include "homogeneous_CL.h"
66 // #include "platinum.h"
67 // #include "tafel_kinetics.h"
68 // #include "fcst_constants.h"
69 // #include "ideal_gas.h"
70 // #include "SGL_24_BA.h"
71 // #include "design_fibrous_GDL.h"
72 // //Include STL
73 // #include "fstream"
74 // #include "iostream"
75 // #include "sstream"
76 //
77 // // Use namespace of deal.II
78 // using namespace dealii;
79 //
80 // namespace FuelCell
81 // {
82 // /**
83 // * This namespace is used for all those auxiliary classes that are used by AppTest.
84 // * These are mainly classes that inherit Function<dim> and that are necessary in order to call
85 // * some subroutine from deal.II. For example InitialSolution is created in order to use the
86 // * deal.II class VectorInterpolate which in turn is used to set up the initial solution to the problem.
87 // */
88 // namespace InitialSolution
89 // {
90 // /**
91 // * This class is used when solving the problem using Newton's method to provide an initial solution.
92 // * This function is called in VectorTools::interpolate(..,..,InitialSolution<dim> marc,...)
93 // * It provides a solution that satisfies Dirichlet boundaries and has a gradient.
94 // */
95 // template <int dim>
96 // //class InitialSolution
97 // class AppTestIC
98 // :
99 // public Function<dim>
100 // {
101 // public:
102 // /**
103 // * Constructor
104 // */
105 // AppTestIC (FuelCell::OperatingConditions* );
106 // /**
107 // * Destructor
108 // */
109 // ~AppTestIC ();
110 // /**
111 // *
112 // */
113 // double value (const Point<dim> &p, unsigned int) const;
114 // /**
115 // * This is the member function that computes the value of the initial
116 // * solution for a given point.
117 // */
118 // void vector_value (const Point<dim> &p,
119 // Vector<double> &v) const;
120 //
121 // private:
122 // /**
123 // Operating conditions class object
124 // */
125 // FuelCell::OperatingConditions* OC;
126 //
127 // };
128 // } //end namespace InitialSolution
129 //
130 //
131 // namespace Application
132 // {
133 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 // /**
137 // *
138 // * This class is used to develop and test new applications. All functions are blank so all will
139 // * have to be implemented.
140 // */
141 // template <int dim>
142 // class AppTest
143 // :
144 // public FuelCell::ApplicationCore::OptimizationBlockMatrixApplication<dim>
145 // {
146 // public:
147 //
148 // /**
149 // * Constructor.
150 // * @note the pointer data is initialized to boost::shared_ptr<> (), this means that
151 // * the pointer is empty and when we do data.get() it will return 0. This is good because at ApplicationBase
152 // * constructor an ApplicationData will be constructed.
153 // */
154 // AppTest (boost::shared_ptr<FuelCell::ApplicationCore::ApplicationData> data =
155 // boost::shared_ptr<FuelCell::ApplicationCore::ApplicationData> ());
156 //
157 // /**
158 // * Destructor
159 // */
160 // ~AppTest();
161 // /**
162 // * Declare all parameters that are needed for:
163 // * - the computation of the equation coefficients
164 // * - the control of the linear system solution
165 // * - ...
166 // */
167 // virtual void declare_parameters(ParameterHandler& param);
168 //
169 // /**
170 // * Function called by optimization loop in order to set the values in the
171 // * ParameterHandler to the new design parameters.
172 // * Since ParameterHandler depends on the problem we are solving, set_parameters() is set
173 // * at the most inner loop of the application.
174 // */
175 // virtual void set_parameters(const std::vector<std::string>& name_dvar,
176 // const std::vector<double>& value_dvar,
177 // ParameterHandler& param);
178 //
179 // /**
180 // * Set up how many equations are needed and
181 // * read in parameters for the parameter handler in order to initialize data
182 // */
183 // void _initialize(ParameterHandler& param);
184 //
185 // /**
186 // * Call the other initialize routines from the inherited classes
187 // */
188 // virtual void initialize(ParameterHandler& param);
189 //
190 // /**
191 // * Initialize nonlinear solution
192 // * Note that this routine is extremely important since it is used to resize the solution vector. Therefore,
193 // * it always has to exist. Otherwise you will receive an error such as:
194 // * An error occurred in line <306> of file </home/secanell/Programs/fcst/contrib/deal.II/deal.II/include/deal.II/lac/block_indices.h> in function
195 // * std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> dealii::BlockIndices::global_to_local(unsigned int) const
196 // * The violated condition was:
197 // * i<total_size()
198 // * The name and call sequence of the exception was: ExcIndexRange(i, 0, total_size())
199 // * Additional Information: Index 0 is not in [0,0[
200 // * To initialize the solution vector at least you need the following:
201 // * src.reinit(this->;
202 // */
203 // void init_solution(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& src) ;
204 // /**
205 // * Integration of local bilinear form. Here we loop over the quadrature
206 // * points and over degrees of freedom in order to compute the matrix for the cell
207 // * This routine depends on the problem at hand and is called by assemble() in DoF_Handler
208 // * class
209 // * The matrix to be assembled is:
210 // \f[
211 // \begin{array}{l}
212 // M(i,j).block(0) = \int_{\Omega} a \nabla \phi_i \nabla \phi_j d\Omega + \int_{\Omega} \phi_i \frac{\partial f}{\partial u_0}\Big|_n \phi_j d\Omega \\
213 // \end{array}
214 // \f]
215 // */
216 // virtual void cell_matrix(MatrixVector& cell_matrices,
217 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& cell);
218 // /**
219 // * Integration of the rhs of the equations. Here we loop over the quadrature
220 // * points and over degrees of freedom in order to compute the right
221 // * hand side for each cell
222 // * This routine depends on the problem at hand and is called by residual() in DoF_Handler
223 // * class
224 // * @note This function is called residual because in the case of nonlinear systems
225 // * the rhs is equivalent to the residual
226 // */
227 // virtual void cell_residual(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& cell_vector,
228 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& cell);
229 //
230 // /**
231 // * Integration of local bilinear form.
232 // */
233 // virtual void cell_dresidual_dlambda(std::vector<FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector >& cell_vector,
234 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& cell,
235 // std::vector<std::vector<double> >& src);
236 //
237 // /**
238 // * Member function used to set dirichlet boundary conditions.
239 // * This function is application specific and it only computes the boundary_value
240 // * values that are used to constraint the linear system of equations that is being
241 // * solved
242 // */
243 // virtual void dirichlet_bc(std::map<unsigned int, double>& boundary_values) const;
244 //
245 // /**
246 // * Solve the linear system of equations
247 // */
248 // virtual void solve(FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& start,
249 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVectors& rhs);
250 //
251 // /**
252 // * Estimate error per cell
253 // */
254 // virtual double estimate(const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVectors& sol);
255 //
256 // /**
257 // * This class is called by responses to make sure that all responses requested are
258 // * implemented in either cell_responses, global_responses or face_responses.
259 // * @note Every time we add a new response that we can calculate we need to update this
260 // * file.
261 // */
262 // virtual void check_responses();
263 //
264 // /**
265 // * Compute the value of all objective function and constraints
266 // */
267 // virtual void cell_responses (std::vector<double>& resp,
268 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& info,
269 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& sol);
270 // /**
271 // * This class is used to evaluate all responses that do not require looping over cells.
272 // * An example of one of this types of constraints is the solid volume fraction.
273 // */
274 // virtual void global_responses (std::vector<double>& resp,
275 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& sol);
276 //
277 // /**
278 // * This class is used to evaluate the derivative of all the functionals that require looping over cells
279 // * with respect to the design variables.
280 // * This class is called by responses to evaluate the response at each cell.
281 // */
282 // virtual void cell_dresponses_dl(std::vector<std::vector<double> >& cell_df_dl,
283 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& info,
284 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& sol);
285 //
286 // /**
287 // * This class is used to evaluate the sensitivities of all responses that do not require looping over cells
288 // * with respect of the design variables.
289 // * An example of one of this types of constraints is the solid volume fraction.
290 // */
291 // virtual void global_dresponses_dl(std::vector<std::vector<double> >& df_dl,
292 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& sol);
293 // /**
294 // * This class is used to evaluate the derivative of all the functionals that require looping over cells
295 // * with respect of the unknowns of the system of governing equations.
296 // * This class is called by responses to evaluate the response at each cell.
297 // */
298 // virtual void cell_dresponses_du(std::vector<FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector >& cell_df_du,
299 // const typename DoFApplication<dim>::CellInfo& info,
300 // std::vector<std::vector<double> >& src);
301 //
302 // /**
303 // * This class is used to evaluate the sensitivities of all responses that do not require looping over cells
304 // * with respecto of the unknowns of the system of governing equations.
305 // * An example of one of this types of constraints is the solid volume fraction.
306 // */
307 // virtual void global_dresponses_du(std::vector<FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector >& df_du,
308 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVector& src);
309 //
310 // /**
311 // * Post-processing. Evaluate a functional such as the objective function of an
312 // * optimization problem
313 // */
314 // virtual double evaluate (const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVectors& src);
315 //
316 // /**
317 // * Reimplementation of the routine in the base class BaseApplication in namespace AppFrame so
318 // * that the right labels are outputed and so that I can compute and output the source term.
319 // */
320 // /*virtual void data_out(const std::string &basename,
321 // const FuelCell::ApplicationCore::FEVectors &src);
322 // */
323 // protected:
324 // /**
325 // * Structure where we store the problem we want to solve.
326 // * Each vector component contains a string with the
327 // * name of the equation we want to solve
328 // * Then, the number of components is equation_names.size()
329 // */
330 // std::vector<std::string> equation_names;
331 // /**
332 // * Structure where we store the name of each component
333 // * in our problem. The component names are stored in the same
334 // * way as they are stored in the solution.
335 // */
336 // std::vector<std::string> component_names;
337 //
338 // /** Operating conditions */
339 // FuelCell::OperatingConditions OC;
340 //
341 // /** Create an object to generate the mesh*/
342 // FuelCellShop::Geometry::Cathode<dim> grid;
343 //
344 // /** The object GDL layer will contain all the information relevant to the
345 // * the GDL. We can request any effective property from this class
346 // */
347 // boost::shared_ptr<FuelCellShop::Layer::GasDiffusionLayer<dim> > CGDL;
348 //
349 // /** The object CCL layer will contain all the information relevant to the
350 // * the catalyst layer. We can request any effective property from this class
351 // */
352 // FuelCellShop::Layer::HomogeneousCL<dim> CCL;
353 //
354 // /**
355 // * List of solution variables that are required to solve the equations in the
356 // * kinetics class (e.g. oxygen concentration, protonic/electronic potential,
357 // * temperature etc.) Used by set_solution to ensure that all required variables are set.
358 // */
359 // std::vector<std::string> required_solution_names;
360 //
361 // FuelCell::SystemManagement sys_mgnt;
362 // };
363 //
364 // }
365 // }
366 //
367 // #endif //_FUELCELL__APP_TEST_H